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All Outputs (13)

High Temperature and Crab Density Reduce Atmospheric Nitrogen Fixation in Red Sea Mangrove Sediments (2019)
Journal Article
Qashqari, M. S., Garcias-Bonet, N., Fusi, M., Booth, J. M., Daffonchio, D., & Duarte, C. M. (2020). High Temperature and Crab Density Reduce Atmospheric Nitrogen Fixation in Red Sea Mangrove Sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 232, Article 106487.

Mangrove ecosystems are highly productive and provide important ecosystem services. However, in the Red Sea mangroves are under severe nutrient-limiting conditions, reflected in dwarf plants. The nutrient limitation is especially acute for iron, as v... Read More about High Temperature and Crab Density Reduce Atmospheric Nitrogen Fixation in Red Sea Mangrove Sediments.

Developmental stages and gut microenvironments influence gut microbiota dynamics in the invasive beetle Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) (2019)
Journal Article
Chouaia, B., Goda, N., Mazza, G., Alali, S., Florian, F., Gionechetti, F., Callegari, M., Gonella, E., Magoga, G., Fusi, M., Crotti, E., Daffonchio, D., Alma, A., Paoli, F., Roversi, P. F., Marianelli, L., & Montagna, M. (2019). Developmental stages and gut microenvironments influence gut microbiota dynamics in the invasive beetle Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Environmental Microbiology, 21(11), 4343-4359.

Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is a highly polyphagous invasive beetle originating from Japan. This insect is highly resilient and able to rapidly adapt to new vegetation. Insect‐associated microorganisms can play important roles... Read More about Developmental stages and gut microenvironments influence gut microbiota dynamics in the invasive beetle Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).

A horizon scan of priorities for coastal marine microbiome research (2019)
Journal Article
Trevathan-Tackett, S. M., Sherman, C. D., Huggett, M. J., Campbell, A. H., Laverock, B., Hurtado-McCormick, V., Seymour, J. R., Firl, A., Messer, L. F., Ainsworth, T. D., Negandhi, K. L., Daffonchio, D., Egan, S., Engelen, A. H., Fusi, M., Thomas, T., Vann, L., Hernandez-Agreda, A., Ming Gan, H., Marzinelli, E. M., …Macreadie, P. I. (2019). A horizon scan of priorities for coastal marine microbiome research. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3, 1509-1520.

Research into the microbiomes of natural environments is changing the way ecologists and evolutionary biologists view the importance of microbes in ecosystem function. This is particularly relevant in ocean environments, where microbes constitute the... Read More about A horizon scan of priorities for coastal marine microbiome research.

Revealed: how underwater plants and corals can help animals survive marine heatwaves (2019)
Newspaper / Magazine
Fusi, M. (2019). Revealed: how underwater plants and corals can help animals survive marine heatwaves.

Fusi, M. (2019). Revealed: how underwater plants and corals can help animals survive marine heatwaves. The Conversation.

Oxygen supersaturation protects coastal marine fauna from ocean warming (2019)
Journal Article
Giomi, F., Barausse, A., Duarte, C. M., Booth, J., Agusti, S., Saderne, V., Anton, A., Daffonchio, D., & Fusi, M. (2019). Oxygen supersaturation protects coastal marine fauna from ocean warming. Science Advances, 5(9), Article eaax1814.

Ocean warming affects the life history and fitness of marine organisms by, among others, increasing animal metabolism and reducing oxygen availability. In coastal habitats, animals live in close association with photosynthetic organisms whose oxygen... Read More about Oxygen supersaturation protects coastal marine fauna from ocean warming.

Environmental latitudinal gradients and host specificity shape Symbiodiniaceae distribution in Red Sea Porites corals (2019)
Journal Article
Terraneo, T. I., Fusi, M., Hume, B. C., Arrigoni, R., Voolstra, C. R., Benzoni, F., Forsman, Z. H., & Berumen, M. L. (2019). Environmental latitudinal gradients and host specificity shape Symbiodiniaceae distribution in Red Sea Porites corals. Journal of Biogeography, 46(10), 2323-2335.

To assess the diversity of algal symbionts of the family Symbiodiniaceae associated with the coral genus Porites in the Red Sea, and to test for host-specificity and environmental variables driving biogeographical patterns of algal symbiont dist... Read More about Environmental latitudinal gradients and host specificity shape Symbiodiniaceae distribution in Red Sea Porites corals.

Phenomics and Genomics Reveal Adaptation of Virgibacillus dokdonensis Strain 21D to Its Origin of Isolation, the Seawater-Brine Interface of the Mediterranean Sea Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basin Discovery (2019)
Journal Article
Zeaiter, Z., Marasco, R., Booth, J. M., Prosdocimi, E. M., Mapelli, F., Callegari, M., Fusi, M., Michoud, G., Molinari, F., Daffonchio, D., Borin, S., & Crotti, E. (2019). Phenomics and Genomics Reveal Adaptation of Virgibacillus dokdonensis Strain 21D to Its Origin of Isolation, the Seawater-Brine Interface of the Mediterranean Sea Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basin Discovery. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, Article 1304.

The adaptation of sporeformers to extreme environmental conditions is frequently questioned due to their capacity to produce highly resistant endospores that are considered as resting contaminants, not representing populations adapted to the system.... Read More about Phenomics and Genomics Reveal Adaptation of Virgibacillus dokdonensis Strain 21D to Its Origin of Isolation, the Seawater-Brine Interface of the Mediterranean Sea Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basin Discovery.

The role of fungi in heterogeneous sediment microbial networks (2019)
Journal Article
Booth, J., Fusi, M., Marasco, R., Michoud, G., Fodelianakis, S., Merlino, G., & Daffonchio, D. (2019). The role of fungi in heterogeneous sediment microbial networks. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 7537.

While prokaryote community diversity and function have been extensively studied in soils and sediments, the functional role of fungi, despite their huge diversity, is widely unexplored. several studies have, nonetheless, revealed the importance of fu... Read More about The role of fungi in heterogeneous sediment microbial networks.

Bacterial endophytes of mangrove propagules elicit early establishment of the natural host and promote growth of cereal crops under salt stress (2019)
Journal Article
Soldan, R., Mapelli, F., Crotti, E., Schnell, S., Daffonchio, D., Marasco, R., Fusi, M., Borin, S., & Cardinale, M. (2019). Bacterial endophytes of mangrove propagules elicit early establishment of the natural host and promote growth of cereal crops under salt stress. Microbiological Research, 223, 33-43.

Mangroves, dominating tropical intertidal zones and estuaries, are among the most salt tolerant plants, and propagate through reproductive units called propagules. Similarly to other plants’ seeds, propagules may harbor beneficial bacteria. Our hypot... Read More about Bacterial endophytes of mangrove propagules elicit early establishment of the natural host and promote growth of cereal crops under salt stress.

Consistent bacterial selection by date palm root system across heterogeneous desert oasis agroecosystems (2019)
Journal Article
Mosqueira, M. J., Marasco, R., Fusi, M., Michoud, G., Merlino, G., Cherif, A., & Daffonchio, D. (2019). Consistent bacterial selection by date palm root system across heterogeneous desert oasis agroecosystems. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article 4033.

Highly productive conventional agroecosystems are spatially embedded in resource-homogeneous systems and count on generally nutrient-rich soils. On the contrary, desert oases are isolated, the soil is relatively poor, but yet productivity is similar... Read More about Consistent bacterial selection by date palm root system across heterogeneous desert oasis agroecosystems.

Fiddler crab bioturbation determines consistent changes in bacterial communities across contrasting environmental conditions (2019)
Journal Article
Booth, J. M., Fusi, M., Marasco, R., Mbobo, T., & Daffonchio, D. (2019). Fiddler crab bioturbation determines consistent changes in bacterial communities across contrasting environmental conditions. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article 3749.

Ecosystem functions are regulated by compositional and functional traits of bacterial communities, shaped by stochastic and deterministic processes. Biogeographical studies have revealed microbial community taxonomy in a given ecosystem to change alo... Read More about Fiddler crab bioturbation determines consistent changes in bacterial communities across contrasting environmental conditions.

A Comparison of Blood Biochemical Parameters as a Tool to Measure Welfare in Free-ranging Red Deer (Cervus elaphus elaphus) after Chemical and Physical Restraint (2019)
Journal Article
Mariti, C., Iacobelli, F., Ricci, E., Fusi, M., Mengoli, M., Cozzi, A., & Gazzano, A. (2019). A Comparison of Blood Biochemical Parameters as a Tool to Measure Welfare in Free-ranging Red Deer (Cervus elaphus elaphus) after Chemical and Physical Restraint. Current Science, 116(2), 319-325.

Eighteen red deer were captured in box traps and then physically restrained in an immobilizing box; three red deer were captured twice, once by chemical restraint (anesthetized with a mixture of Xylazine, Tiletamine... Read More about A Comparison of Blood Biochemical Parameters as a Tool to Measure Welfare in Free-ranging Red Deer (Cervus elaphus elaphus) after Chemical and Physical Restraint.