Sample and time efficient policy learning with CMA-ES and Bayesian Optimisation
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Le Goff, L. K., Buchanan, E., Hart, E., Eiben, A. E., Li, W., De Carlo, M., Hale, M. F., Angus, M., Woolley, R., Timmis, J., Winfield, A., & Tyrrell, A. M. (2020, July). Sample and time efficient policy learning with CMA-ES and Bayesian Optimisation. Presented at ALife 2020, Online
In evolutionary robot systems where morphologies and controllers of real robots are simultaneously evolved, it is clear that there is likely to be requirements to refine the inherited controller of a 'newborn' robot in order to better align it to its... Read More about Sample and time efficient policy learning with CMA-ES and Bayesian Optimisation.