Polymer nanocomposites and related legal issues: An overview
Book Chapter
Karim, M. E., Munir, A. B., Muhammad-Sukki, F., & Hasanuzzaman, M. (2018). Polymer nanocomposites and related legal issues: An overview. In C. M. Hussain, & A. K. Mishra (Eds.), New polymer nanocomposites for environmental remediation (679-698). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-811033-1.00026-3
Manipulation of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) to develop different consumer and industrial products are the preferred choice in modern day industrial production due to their unprecedented, but diversified promises and prospects. The researchers cla... Read More about Polymer nanocomposites and related legal issues: An overview.