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All Outputs (7)

Arctic Ghosts: Whale Hunting and Haunting in Arthur Conan Doyle’s 'The Captain of the Pole-Star' (2022)
Journal Article
Alder, E. (2022). Arctic Ghosts: Whale Hunting and Haunting in Arthur Conan Doyle’s 'The Captain of the Pole-Star'. Victorian Studies, 65(1), 43-66

Over-hunting in Arctic seas drove bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) nearly to extinction by the end of the nineteenth century. Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Captain of the ‘Pole-Star’” (1883), inspired by his youthful 1880 voyage on the Scottish whalin... Read More about Arctic Ghosts: Whale Hunting and Haunting in Arthur Conan Doyle’s 'The Captain of the Pole-Star'.

Time and the Terrors of the Shoreline in Dunsany and Wells (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2022, July). Time and the Terrors of the Shoreline in Dunsany and Wells. Paper presented at Gothic Interruptions: 16th Biennial Conference of the International Gothic Association, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

The shoreline is a popular stage for the end of the world in fin-de-siècle fiction – it is upon a shore that H. G. Wells’s Time Traveller witnesses the final remnant of animal life, William Hope Hodgson’s Recluse discovers the meaning of eternity, an... Read More about Time and the Terrors of the Shoreline in Dunsany and Wells.

Our Haunted Shores: Tales from the Coasts of the British Isles (2022)
Alder, E., Packham, J., & Passey, J. (Eds.). (2022). Our Haunted Shores: Tales from the Coasts of the British Isles. British Library

From foreboding cliffs and lonely lighthouses to rumbling shingles and silted estuaries, the coasts of the British Isles have stoked the imaginations of storytellers for millennia, lending a rich literary significance to these spaces between land and... Read More about Our Haunted Shores: Tales from the Coasts of the British Isles.

Creatures of Moonshine: H. G. Wells’s ‘The Sea Raiders’ and the Oceanic Romance (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2022, April). Creatures of Moonshine: H. G. Wells’s ‘The Sea Raiders’ and the Oceanic Romance. Paper presented at BSLS 2022 Annual Conference, Manchester

There is a strand of nineteenth-century fiction interested in tentacled monsters based to a greater or lesser extent on cephalopods. Although the legendary kraken remained a legend, biology had learned a little about the real existence of giant squid... Read More about Creatures of Moonshine: H. G. Wells’s ‘The Sea Raiders’ and the Oceanic Romance.