The more-than-visible world: Algernon Blackwood, occult epistemology, and ecological ethics
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2019, April). The more-than-visible world: Algernon Blackwood, occult epistemology, and ecological ethics. Paper presented at British Society for Literature and Science annual conference, Royal Holloway University
All Outputs (64)
Our Progeny’s Monsters: Frankenstein Retold for Children in Picturebooks and Graphic Novels (2018)
Book Chapter
Alder, E. (2018). Our Progeny’s Monsters: Frankenstein Retold for Children in Picturebooks and Graphic Novels. In Global Frankenstein (209-225). Palgrave Macmillan. is surprisingly well-suited to stories aimed at children and is often adapted for young readerships. This essay explores why, through a focus on graphic narratives. I examine five books: picturebooks Do not build a Frankenstein! by Neil... Read More about Our Progeny’s Monsters: Frankenstein Retold for Children in Picturebooks and Graphic Novels.
Frankenstein’s children: young scientists in children’s literature (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2018, September). Frankenstein’s children: young scientists in children’s literature. Paper presented at Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 1818-2018 : Circuits and Circulation, Università di Bologna
Mould ships and fungal islands: mycology, ecoGothic and William Hope Hodgson’s ‘doubtful beings’ (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2018, July). Mould ships and fungal islands: mycology, ecoGothic and William Hope Hodgson’s ‘doubtful beings’. Paper presented at 14th Conference of the IGA 'Gothic Hybridities', Manchester Metropolitan UniversityFor most of the long nineteenth century, the apparently hybrid biological workings and the unstable taxonomical status of moulds and fungi puzzled and fascinated scientists. Their ubiquity, plasticity, and position in what Ernst Haeckel termed a ‘bou... Read More about Mould ships and fungal islands: mycology, ecoGothic and William Hope Hodgson’s ‘doubtful beings’.
‘The brain of a devil’: Arthur Machen’s Reconstructed Demons (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2018, April). ‘The brain of a devil’: Arthur Machen’s Reconstructed Demons. Paper presented at British Society for Literature and Science annual conference, Oxford Brookes University
Introduction (2017)
Book Chapter
Alder, E. (2017). Introduction. In The Island of Doctor Moreau & Other Stories (x-xxvii). Wordsworth Editions
Underwater Plastic Frankenstein (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2017, November). Underwater Plastic Frankenstein. Paper presented at Gothic Nature, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Through Oceans Darkly: Sea Literature and the Nautical Gothic (2017)
Journal Article
Alder, E. (2017). Through Oceans Darkly: Sea Literature and the Nautical Gothic. Gothic Studies, 19(2), 1-15. abstract available.
(Re)encountering monsters: animals in early-twentieth-century weird fiction (2017)
Journal Article
Alder, E. (2017). (Re)encountering monsters: animals in early-twentieth-century weird fiction. Textual Practice, 31(6), 1083-1100. twentieth century weird tales occupy an important place in the development of genre fictions. Among the innovations they contribute are new forms of monsters, diverging from earlier Gothic or mythological traditions, which spring, in part, from... Read More about (Re)encountering monsters: animals in early-twentieth-century weird fiction.
Our Progeny’s Monsters: Frankenstein Retold for Children in Twenty-First Century Picture Books (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2017, July). Our Progeny’s Monsters: Frankenstein Retold for Children in Twenty-First Century Picture Books. Paper presented at 13th Conference of the IGA 'Traditions and Departures', Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico
Book Review: Science, Fiction, and the Fin-de-siècle Periodical Press by Will Tattersdill (2017)
Journal Article
Alder, E. (2017). Book Review: Science, Fiction, and the Fin-de-siècle Periodical Press by Will Tattersdill. Media History, 23(3-4), 534-536.
H. G. Wells and the Natural World (2017)
Digital Artefact
Alder, E. H. G. Wells and the Natural World. [Blog]
Arrival review: first-contact film finds new way to explore the ‘otherness’ of aliens (2016)
Digital Artefact
Alder, E. (2016). Arrival review: first-contact film finds new way to explore the ‘otherness’ of aliens. [Magazine]
Dracula’s Gothic Ship (2016)
Journal Article
Alder, E. (2016). Dracula’s Gothic Ship. Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies,No abstract available.
Nineteenth-Century Fictional Testing Grounds: Book Review of English Fiction and the Evolution of Language, 1850–1914, by Will Abberley (2016)
Journal Article
Alder, E. (2016). Nineteenth-Century Fictional Testing Grounds: Book Review of English Fiction and the Evolution of Language, 1850–1914, by Will Abberley. Journal of Victorian Culture, 21(3), 405-408.
Bodily Knowing: Edith Nesbit’s ‘The Three Drugs’ and ‘The Five Senses’ (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2016, June). Bodily Knowing: Edith Nesbit’s ‘The Three Drugs’ and ‘The Five Senses’. Paper presented at The Body and Pseudoscience in the Long Nineteenth Century, Newcastle University
Becoming a student of English: students experiences of transition into the first year. (2016)
Journal Article
Alder, E. (2016). Becoming a student of English: students experiences of transition into the first year. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 1-19. study explored the transition to university as experienced by first-year students of English studies. The first year has been identified by existing research as a critical time for new students in terms of their persistence and success on their... Read More about Becoming a student of English: students experiences of transition into the first year..
“Not same. Not different, either”: Ways of knowing and Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2015, September). “Not same. Not different, either”: Ways of knowing and Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being. Paper presented at ASLE-UKI
Doctor Moreau’s Pink Rabbits (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2015, April). Doctor Moreau’s Pink Rabbits. Paper presented at British Society for Literature and Science annual conference, Liverpool University
'Kraken'. (2014)
Book Chapter
Alder, E. (2014). 'Kraken'. In J. Weinstock (Ed.), The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing