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All Outputs (5)

Understanding the education and support needs of those providing children's palliative care in Scotland (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Malcolm, C., McGirr, D., & Grant, J. (2019, May). Understanding the education and support needs of those providing children's palliative care in Scotland. Paper presented at 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Berlin, Germany

Aim - To identify the current and future education, learning and continuing professional development requirements of staff and volunteers working in children’s palliative care.

Design – Employing a qualitative exploratory design, data was collecte... Read More about Understanding the education and support needs of those providing children's palliative care in Scotland.

Scoping exercise to inform the development of an education strategy for Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) (2018)
Malcolm, C., & McGirr, D. (2018). Scoping exercise to inform the development of an education strategy for Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS). Edinburgh: Children's Hospices Across Scotland

This report presents findings from a scoping project examining current evidence relating to the provision of education across the United Kingdom (UK) and internationally. The overall aim of the project was to inform the development of an evidence bas... Read More about Scoping exercise to inform the development of an education strategy for Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS).

Preparing a paediatric palliative care workforce (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Malcolm, C., McGirr, D., & Grant, J. (2018, October). Preparing a paediatric palliative care workforce. Presented at 22nd International Congress on Palliative Care (PAL), Montreal, Canada

Workshop objectives: This workshop is based on the results and recommendations of an extensive scoping project which aimed to develop an evidence based education strategy for children’s hospice and palliative care. It will be a dynamic and interactiv... Read More about Preparing a paediatric palliative care workforce.

Interprofessional Working with Children and Young People (2018)
Book Chapter
McGirr, D., & Richardson-Read, S. (2018). Interprofessional Working with Children and Young People. In J. Price, & O. Mc Alinden (Eds.), Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People. SAGE Publications

This chapter focuses on key elements of interprofessional working to enhance knowledge and understanding of staff working with children and young people. It explores the following topics:
~ core elements of interprofessional working
~ challenges... Read More about Interprofessional Working with Children and Young People.