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All Outputs (4)

Glow up: the power of fiction in higher education research (2024)
Journal Article
Cunningham, C., & Mills, J. (2024). Glow up: the power of fiction in higher education research. Teaching in Higher Education, 29(7), 1879-1896.

Increasing numbers of researchers in the field of higher education research are searching for meaning rather than metrics: something in their data that call to them and that make their hearts soar. This paper leans into post-qualitative approaches an... Read More about Glow up: the power of fiction in higher education research.

Enthusiasm, frustration and exhaustion: staff perceptions of student engagement through the pandemic (2023)
Journal Article
Cunningham, T., & Cunningham, C. (2023). Enthusiasm, frustration and exhaustion: staff perceptions of student engagement through the pandemic. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 4(3), 122-135

The move to online and blended learning caused by the Covid-19 pandemic brought about sudden, rapid, and ongoing change to learning and teaching practices in Higher Education. The paper discusses the findings of a research project, led by academic de... Read More about Enthusiasm, frustration and exhaustion: staff perceptions of student engagement through the pandemic.

Leading Learning and Teaching in a Crisis (2022)
Book Chapter
Guccione, K., & Cunningham, C. (2022). Leading Learning and Teaching in a Crisis. In S. Nolan, & S. Hutchinson (Eds.), Leading Innovation and Creativity in University Teaching (154-165). Routledge.

In this chapter, the authors present a narrative-centred approach to identifying and leading in crises; using the experiences of Teaching and Learning staff during the Covid-19 pandemic as context. Through three stories – rooted in the realities of U... Read More about Leading Learning and Teaching in a Crisis.

‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’: reflecting on, and refracting through, academic development in a pandemic year (2022)
Journal Article
Cunningham, C., & Cunningham, T. (2022). ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’: reflecting on, and refracting through, academic development in a pandemic year. International Journal for Academic Development, 27(2), 191-202.

Using a creative and playful fairy-tale storyboard approach this paper explores the impact of the pandemic, the move to online and blended learning, and the role academic development can have in the future of learning and teaching. We refract academi... Read More about ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’: reflecting on, and refracting through, academic development in a pandemic year.