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Human robot interaction in virtual reality (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Di Gironimo, G., Marzano, A., & Tarallo, A. (2007, December). Human robot interaction in virtual reality. Presented at Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference

In this paper, we describe a framework which helps designers visualize and verify the results of robotic work cell simulation in a Virtual Environment (VE). The system aims at significantly reducing production costs and error sources during manufactu... Read More about Human robot interaction in virtual reality.

Design and development of a light aircraft assembly cycle in virtual environment (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Di Gironimo, G., & Marzano, A. (2007, June). Design and development of a light aircraft assembly cycle in virtual environment. Paper presented at International Conference on Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing Materials, Salerno, Italy

The work deals with the design of the assembly cycle of a light aircraft in virtual environment. To date the methodologies of product development are still traditional, this means not to create a competitive advantage towards industries that are pres... Read More about Design and development of a light aircraft assembly cycle in virtual environment.

Design of an innovative assembly process of a modular train in virtual environment (2007)
Journal Article
Di Gironimo, G., & Marzano, A. (2007). Design of an innovative assembly process of a modular train in virtual environment. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 1(2), 85-97.

In this paper we present an innovative assembly cycle of railway vehicles that can improve the manufacturing process. The study was carry out using virtual reality (VR) technologies in the VR Laboratory of the Competence Regional Centre for the quali... Read More about Design of an innovative assembly process of a modular train in virtual environment.