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Structural Design with Reclaimed Materials: an Elastic Gridshell out of Skis

Colabella, Sofia; D'Amico, Bernardino; Hoxha, Endrit; Fivet, Corentin


Sofia Colabella

Endrit Hoxha

Corentin Fivet


This paper presents the design and construction of a 36m² gridshell, the rigidity of which is achieved through the bending of an initially flat grid of 210 reclaimed skis. The generated waste for its production is near zero as it is mostly built from discarded material. Its construction process is such that it can be disassembled and reassembled multiple times without scaffolding and by means of traditional tools only. After a brief introduction on the need for reducing embodied carbon and waste in structures through reuse, the paper sets up the constraints that have driven the definition of the pavilion, the main one being the extension of the lifetime of high-performance sport equipment by reclaiming their intrinsic mechanical properties. The paper then details the encountered unusual aspects in the design process and how they have been overcome – i.e. sporadic material supply, categorization of mechanical properties, physical alteration of these properties, and uncertainties in the numerical modelling of both the structural analysis and the construction process. Eventually, we conclude that reclaimed skis as a material have the potential to be as good as conventional timber when designing elastic gridshells. A series of future directions for this emerging field of research are also laid out.


Colabella, S., D'Amico, B., Hoxha, E., & Fivet, C. (2017, September). Structural Design with Reclaimed Materials: an Elastic Gridshell out of Skis. Presented at IASS Annual Symposium 2017 “Interfaces:”

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name IASS Annual Symposium 2017 “Interfaces:”
Start Date Sep 25, 2017
End Date Sep 28, 2017
Acceptance Date Jun 15, 2017
Publication Date 2017
Deposit Date Aug 30, 2017
Publicly Available Date Jul 1, 2018
Book Title Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2017 “Interfaces:”
Keywords conceptual design, form finding, gridshell, active-bending structures, material reuse, design for disassembly, skis
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Aug 30, 2017


Structural Design With Reclaimed Materials An Elastic Gridshell Out Of Skis (623 Kb)

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