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Negotiating academic assignments : the experiences of widening participation and traditional students

Mcdowell, Liz; Sambell, Kay


Liz Mcdowell

Kay Sambell


Chris Rust


The proceedings of the 12th Improving Student Learning symposium, held in 2004 in Birmingham. This book includes the three keynotes: 'Cultural difference in western universities: intercultural and internationalised responses to a changing world' by Christine Asmar, ' Diversity, inclusion and equality: revisiting critical issues for the widening participation agenda' by Louise Archer, and 'Increasing the chances of student success' by Mantz Yorke, as well as papers on the subjects including assessment, learning and teaching methods and learning environments.


Mcdowell, L., & Sambell, K. (2004, September). Negotiating academic assignments : the experiences of widening participation and traditional students. Presented at 12th Improving Student Learning Symposium

Conference Name 12th Improving Student Learning Symposium
Start Date Sep 6, 2004
End Date Sep 8, 2004
Publication Date 2005
Deposit Date Jun 6, 2017
Publisher Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development
Pages 149-158
Book Title Improving student learning. Diversity and inclusivity : proceedings of the 2004 12th international symposium
Chapter Number n/a
ISBN 1873576722, 9781873576724
Keywords Education.
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