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The Effect of a Dynamical Layer in Neural Network Prediction of Biomass in a Fermentation Process

Soufian, M; Soufian, Mustapha; Dempsey, M.J.


M Soufian

Mustapha Soufian

M.J. Dempsey


In this paper, computational intelligence has been considered as a tool (software sensor) for state-estimation and prediction of biomass concentration in a simulated fermentation process. Two different paradigms of an artificial neural networks have been introduced as possible computational engines. Inclusion of process dynamics is inherent within the second paradigm, as a pre-processing layer. The constructed computational engines ‘infer’ the production of biomass from easily measured on-line variables. First and second-order non-linear optimisation methods are used to train the neural networks. It is shown that the use of the pre-processing layer which contains dynamical elements, produces better results and shows significant improvement in the convergence rate of the neural networks.


Soufian, M., Soufian, M., & Dempsey, M. (1998, June). The Effect of a Dynamical Layer in Neural Network Prediction of Biomass in a Fermentation Process. Presented at The 11th international conference on Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems: methodology and tools in knowledge-based systems

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name The 11th international conference on Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems: methodology and tools in knowledge-based systems
Start Date Jun 1, 1998
End Date Jun 4, 1998
Acceptance Date Apr 3, 1998
Online Publication Date Jul 30, 2005
Publication Date Jun 1, 1998
Deposit Date May 5, 2017
Publisher Springer
Series Title Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1415
Book Title Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems: methodology and tools in knowledge-based systems
Chapter Number na
ISBN 3-540-64582-9
Keywords Biomass, fermentation, software sensor, neural networks,
Public URL