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Low-Cost Body Area Network for Monitoring of Diabetic Patient

Huzooree, Geshwaree; Khedo, Kavi Kumar; Joonas, Noojehan


Geshwaree Huzooree

Kavi Kumar Khedo

Noojehan Joonas


The confluence of wireless body area network (WBAN) advancement has led to a great shift in the healthcare sector and has enormous potential to reduce long-term costs, social problems, workforce issues, and improve quality of healthcare service. Based on existing literature on WBANs, technologies, and standards, a WBAN is proposed to bridge the gap of information between patients and healthcare professional through sharing of high quality of information (QoI) whereby the latter can have real-time and historical view of patient's condition for effective and timely monitoring. This feature will also address the time and space restriction of healthcare service. Moreover, a best fit glucose prediction model considering various exogenous inputs based on autoregressive (ARX) model is proposed to perform data analytics in a WBAN system. The performance of the model is evaluated through performance metrics. Potential challenges and future research work are pointed out for further development of WBAN.


Huzooree, G., Khedo, K. K., & Joonas, N. (2018). Low-Cost Body Area Network for Monitoring of Diabetic Patient. In Design and Development of Affordable Healthcare Technologies (135-164). IGI Global.

Online Publication Date Jun 30, 2018
Publication Date 2018
Deposit Date Sep 25, 2024
Publisher IGI Global
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 135-164
Series Title Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice
Book Title Design and Development of Affordable Healthcare Technologies
Chapter Number 6
ISBN 9781522549697