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Parametric Study on PVDF Electrospun Nanofibers: Optical Characteristics, Piezoelectric Analysis, and Correlated Applications

Nair, Remya; Mahdi, Jaffer; Amjad, Omar; Maree, Kareem; Jain, Ankur; Al-Dubai, Ahmed; Jaradat, Suha; Shyha, Islam; Trabelsi, Mohamed; Alothamn, Basil; Shehata, Nader


Remya Nair

Jaffer Mahdi

Omar Amjad

Kareem Maree

Ankur Jain

Mohamed Trabelsi

Basil Alothamn

Nader Shehata


In this study, both the optical and piezoelectric properties of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) electrospun nanofibers were investigated at different needle-to-collector distances of the electrospinning process at constant applied high voltage. For piezoelectric characterization, the fabricated nanofiber mats were subjected to applied forces, including cyclic force, variable frequency-based loads, and free-falling masses (impulse loading), along with power density analysis for different load resistance values. In addition, both optical absorbance and transmittance measurements were conducted to evaluate the optical properties of the fabricated nanofibers. The piezoelectric analysis demonstrated the best piezoresponse of the fabricated nanomats at a needle-to-collector distance of 15 cm and high voltage of 22 kV. However, a trade-off between piezoelectric response and optical transmissivity was observed based on the electrospinning distance parameter. The relatively higher optically transparent sample exhibited only moderate piezoelectric response, while the less transparent sample displayed the highest piezoelectric activity. Based on the optimized sample and piezoelectric analysis, the synthesized nanofiber mat was subjected to applied mechanical stress in the form of variable velocity and momentum loads. A maximum potential of approximately 16 V was harvested through velocity and momentum impact, especially with the addition of a double-layer PVDF membrane. Furthermore, the sensing effect of airflow pressure on single/double-layer PVDF was studied. The single-layer PVDF membrane generated 79 mV under an airflow speed of 21 km/h, while the double-layer membrane produced 114 mV potential under the same airflow. This study highlights the diverse applications of PVDF nanofiber mats as multifunctional sensors and energy harvesting applications from mechanical shocks and airflow impact.


Nair, R., Mahdi, J., Amjad, O., Maree, K., Jain, A., Al-Dubai, A., Jaradat, S., Shyha, I., Trabelsi, M., Alothamn, B., & Shehata, N. (2024). Parametric Study on PVDF Electrospun Nanofibers: Optical Characteristics, Piezoelectric Analysis, and Correlated Applications. Journal of Electronic Materials, 53, 4155–4172.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 4, 2024
Online Publication Date May 2, 2024
Publication Date 2024
Deposit Date May 20, 2024
Publicly Available Date May 3, 2025
Print ISSN 0361-5235
Electronic ISSN 1543-186X
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 53
Pages 4155–4172
Keywords Piezoelectroc energy harvesting, electroactivity, nanofibers, sensors, nanotechnology, nanogenerator, transduction


Parametric Study On PVDF Electrospun Nanofibers: Optical Characteristics, Piezoelectric Analysis, And Correlated Applications (accepted version) (4 Mb)

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