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Molecular Identification and Biotechnological Potential of Cerithidea cingulata-and Lottia scabra Associated Fungi as Extracellular Enzyme Producer and Anti-Vibriosis Agent

Trianto, Agus; Radjasa, Ocky Karna; Subagiyo, Subagiyo; Isabella, Armeilia Ardiva; Bahry, Muhammad Syaifudien; Purnaweni, Hartuti; Djamaludin, Rignolda; Tjoa, Aiyen; Singleton, Ian; Evans, Darren Mark; Diele, Karen


Agus Trianto

Ocky Karna Radjasa

Subagiyo Subagiyo

Armeilia Ardiva Isabella

Muhammad Syaifudien Bahry

Hartuti Purnaweni

Rignolda Djamaludin

Aiyen Tjoa

Darren Mark Evans


Mangroves are complex, unique, and dynamic ecosystems that host organisms that have special physiological adaptations to fluctuations in salinity, temperature, and pH. Gastropods have an important role in the mangrove ecosystem for food cycles and webs by helping to provide nutrients and micro-habitats for microbes. Micro-fungi isolated from mangrove ecosystems are productive sources of enzymes and bioactive compounds such as antibacterial and antifungal. In this study a explored the enzymatic and anti-vibrio activity of fungi associated with the marine gastropod Cerithidea cingulata and Lottia scabra. collected in three mangrove forests in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The fungi associated with the specimens were inoculated on malt extract agar (MEA) using the tapping method. Enzymatic and anti-vibrio assays were conducted applying the plug method. Positive effects of the fungal compounds on Vibrio were indicated by clear zones formed around the isolates. A total of 13 fungal species were isolated from C. cingulata (19MB-C5 and 19MBa-A4) and L. scabra (19MT-07 and 19MT-18). Most fungal isolates have moderate growth rate. The isolate with highest cellulolytic, proteolytic, and anti-vibriosis activity (Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. harveyi, V. vulnificus, and V. alginolyticus), derived from C. cingulata 19MB-C5 was closely related to Aspergillus niger, as revealed by molecular analysis using the universal primers ITS1 and ITS4 (similarity value 99%). A. niger 19MB-C5-3 has potential as a bioremediation and anti-vibrio agent that can be applied in aquaculture.


Trianto, A., Radjasa, O. K., Subagiyo, S., Isabella, A. A., Bahry, M. S., Purnaweni, H., Djamaludin, R., Tjoa, A., Singleton, I., Evans, D. M., & Diele, K. (2023). Molecular Identification and Biotechnological Potential of Cerithidea cingulata-and Lottia scabra Associated Fungi as Extracellular Enzyme Producer and Anti-Vibriosis Agent. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 28(2), 136-147.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 15, 2023
Online Publication Date May 21, 2023
Publication Date 2023-06
Deposit Date Jun 30, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 30, 2023
Print ISSN 0853-7291
Electronic ISSN 2406-7598
Publisher Universitas Diponegoro
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 28
Issue 2
Pages 136-147
Keywords enzyme, fungi, mangrove, vibriosis


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