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Kii Nche Ndutsa

Jansen, Ita



Time and the Seashell (Kii Nche Ndutsa) is a digital practice-based research output consisting of a short experimental film and is the result of investigations conducted by the film director Itandehui Jansen and the screenwriter Armando Bautista García. The short film was filmed in Mexico and has a poetic voice off in Mixtec (Indigenous language from Mexico). It has been subtitled to Spanish and English. The research project explores how Indigenous Cinema aesthetics can inspire different representations of a changing natural and cultural landscape due to climate change. Through an approach combining ethnography, narrative storytelling and observational documentary, this experimental film explores alternative cinematic representations that cultivate aesthetic experience and an affective relation with the land and the sea. The project furthermore employs an approach to film production which has a lower carbon footprint by filming with reduced equipment and minimal crew.


Jansen, I. (2020). Kii Nche Ndutsa. [Film]

Digital Artefact Type Video
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Jun 1, 2023
Keywords Latin America, Indigenous Cinema, Environment, Landscape, Film Practice
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Additional Information The short film was nominated to an AHRC Research in Film Award for Best Climate Emergency Film. The film was also nominated to an Ocean Bottle Award at the Climate Crisis Film Festival in Glasgow, and to an Award for Best Experimental Short Film at the Icaro Latin American Film Festival. The film screened among others at Guanajuato International Film Festival, Morelia International Film Festival, IMPAKT Zero Carbon Footprint, and ZINEBI International Film Festival.
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