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On the impact of early warning collision avoidance information through prototype head-up display for older drivers

Charissis, Vassilis; Vlachos, George; Arafat, Sachi


George Vlachos

Sachi Arafat


Human cognitive and physiological performance tends to enfeeble during time. Evidently a distinct attenuation of reaction-times spatial and situational awareness appears in the older segments of the driving population which increases rapidly in the western civilisation. Additionally, greater dependence on private automotive transportation and the unremitting raise of the elderly population, contributes to a significant increase of collision occurrences. To this end we have designed a prototype Head-Up-Display (HUD) interface which offers crucial information to the driver, in a timely manner. The interface comprises symbolic representation of the lead vehicles and road information acting as a vision enhancement system.


Charissis, V., Vlachos, G., & Arafat, S. (2011, April). On the impact of early warning collision avoidance information through prototype head-up display for older drivers. Presented at SAE 2011 World Congress & Exhibition

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name SAE 2011 World Congress & Exhibition
Start Date Apr 12, 2011
Publication Date Apr 12, 2011
Deposit Date May 19, 2023
Pages 45-52
Series ISSN 2688-3627
Book Title SAE World Congress
ISBN 9780768047387
Keywords head up display; collision avoidance; driving simulation; driving simulator; low visibility; older drivers; virtual reality; augmented reality; human computer interaction