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Exploring the simulation requirements for virtual regional anesthesia training

Charissis, Vassilis; Zimmer, Christian Robert; Sakellariou, Sophia; Chan, Warren


Christian Robert Zimmer

Sophia Sakellariou

Warren Chan


This paper presents an investigation towards the simulation requirements for virtual regional anaesthesia training. To this end we have developed a prototype human-computer interface designed to facilitate Virtual Reality (VR) augmenting educational tactics for regional anaesthesia training. The proposed interface system, aims to compliment nerve blocking techniques methods. The system is designed to operate in real-time 3D environment presenting anatomical information and enabling the user to explore the spatial relation of different human parts without any physical constrains. Furthermore the proposed system aims to assist the trainee anaesthetists so as to build a mental, three-dimensional map of the anatomical elements and their depictive relationship to the Ultra-Sound imaging which is used for navigation of the anaesthetic needle.


Charissis, V., Zimmer, C. R., Sakellariou, S., & Chan, W. (2010, January). Exploring the simulation requirements for virtual regional anesthesia training. Presented at S&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, CA, US

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name S&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging
Start Date Jan 17, 2010
Publication Date 2010
Deposit Date May 19, 2023
Publisher Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
Book Title SPIE Proceedings: Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2010
Keywords regional anaesthesia; virtual reality; brachial plexus; 3D visualisation; ultrasound; augmented reality; computer simulation; medical education; anatomy; pathology; medical training