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Asynchronous telemedicine diagnosis of musculoskeletal injuries through a prototype interface in virtual reality environment

Khan, Mohammed Soheeb; Charissis, Vassilis; Harrison, David; Sakellariou, Sophia; Chan, Warren


Mohammed Soheeb Khan

David Harrison

Sophia Sakellariou

Warren Chan


Telehealth provides a much needed option for remote diagnosis and monitoring of various pathologies and patients. Remote provision of health care can offer a two fold support for the medical system and the patients. Primarily it could serve isolated locations and secondly it could monitor a large number of outpatient cases directly on their homes instead of the hospital premises. However in specific cases direct communication and visual data acquisition can be a major obstacle. To this end we have developed a prototype system that could enable the medical practitioners to have real-time diagnosis through 3D captured visual and motion data. This data are recreated in a Virtual Reality environment in the hospital facilities offering a unique system for remote diagnosis.


Khan, M. S., Charissis, V., Harrison, D., Sakellariou, S., & Chan, W. (2013, July). Asynchronous telemedicine diagnosis of musculoskeletal injuries through a prototype interface in virtual reality environment. Presented at VAMR 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name VAMR 2013
Start Date Jul 21, 2013
End Date Jul 26, 2013
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date May 19, 2023
Publisher Springer
Pages 50-59
Series Title Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Series Number 8022
Book Title Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Systems and Applications
ISBN 978-3-642-39419-5
Keywords virtual reality; human computer interaction; gesture recognition; kinect; telemedicine; diagnosis; musculoskeletal conditions; patient care; patient knowledge