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The effects of work on food intake and ingestive behaviour of draught cattle and buffalo given barley straw

Pearson, R A; Smith, Dave


R A Pearson


In the first experiment draught cattle and buffalo were worked for 5 h/day and/or given 17 h access to feed. In the second experiment they were worked for 4 h/day and/or given 20 h access to feed. When animals were prevented from feeding on barley straw for 7 h/day their DM intake (DMI) was significantly less than when they were given 24 h access to feed. When feeding was prevented for only 4 h/day feed intake was not significantly different from that with 24-h access. A study of feeding behaviour (experiment 2) suggested that when most animals were deprived of feed for 4 h they maintained similar intakes to those on ad libitum feeding by increasing their rate of eating, rather than by increasing the time they spent eating. Preventing feed intake for 4 h/day was associated with little change in time spent ruminating during the day. On all treatments, the buffalo spent significantly less time eating and more time ruminating than the cattle. Work, during the periods when feed was withheld, had little effect on the DMI of either the buffalo or cattle compared with restricted feeding. No rumination occurred during the time that the animals were at work. However on working days, time spent ruminating was similar to that seen on restricted feeding days, but the animals spent more time ruminating later in the day than when they were able to ruminate during the middle of the day


Pearson, R. A., & Smith, D. (1994). The effects of work on food intake and ingestive behaviour of draught cattle and buffalo given barley straw. Animal production, 58(03), 339-346.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Sep 2, 2010
Publication Date 1994-06
Deposit Date May 15, 2015
Publicly Available Date May 15, 2015
Print ISSN 0003-3561
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 58
Issue 03
Pages 339-346
Keywords Buffaloes; cattle; feeding behaviour; food intake; work;
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date May 15, 2015


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