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Parallel CMOS 2's complement multiplier based on 5:3 counter.

Guan, Zhicheng; Thomson, P; Almaini, A E A


Zhicheng Guan

P Thomson

A E A Almaini


A parallel 8x8 2's complement multiplier based on a novel 5:3 counter is presented. The structure of the multiplier is simple, regular and very suitable for VLSI implementation. Compared with Wallace tree and Redundant Bimary Addition Tree, the proposed scheme requires less levels for the same number of partial products, resulting in a simpler and faster circuit.


Guan, Z., Thomson, P., & Almaini, A. E. A. (1994, October). Parallel CMOS 2's complement multiplier based on 5:3 counter

Start Date Oct 10, 1994
End Date Oct 12, 1994
Publication Date 1994-10
Deposit Date Jun 1, 2009
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 298-301
Book Title IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, 1994. ICCD '94. Proceedings..
ISBN 0-8186-6565-3
Keywords Integrated circuits; CMOS; Computing; Parallel processing; Tree structures; VLSI circuits;
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