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Algebraic properties of multiple-valued modulo systems and their applications to current-mode CMOS circuits.

Wang, Lun Yao; Chen, X; Almaini, A E A


Lun Yao Wang

X Chen

A E A Almaini


The paper presents the concepts of pseudoprime and modulo correlativity and establishes the relationships among completeness of modulo operations, uniqueness of solution of equations, invertibility of a square matrix, and correlativity of vectors in multiple-valued modulo systems. It is shown that current-mode CMOS circuits are easy to design and economical using bounded operations.


Wang, L. Y., Chen, X., & Almaini, A. E. A. (1998). Algebraic properties of multiple-valued modulo systems and their applications to current-mode CMOS circuits. IEE proceedings. Computers and digital techniques, 145, 364-368.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 1998-09
Deposit Date Jun 9, 2009
Print ISSN 1350-2387
Publisher Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 145
Pages 364-368
Keywords CMOS; Integrated circuits; Modulo algebra; Circuit design;
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