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Examination of saturated hydraulic conductivity using grading curve functions

Imre, E.; B�lint, E. �.; Nagy, L.; L?rincz, J.; Ill�s, Zs.; Barreto, D.; Casini, F.; Guida, G.; Feng, S.


E. Imre

E. �. B�lint

L. Nagy

J. L?rincz

Zs. Ill�s

F. Casini

G. Guida

S. Feng


In a previous research program 74 artificial soil mixtures of natural fluvial soils were prepared in 4 series of measurements for falling head permeability testing, differing in d 10. The conclusions drawn from the original investigations were as follows: the k showed a decreasing tendency with the increase of the uniformity index U for each series of measurements and increasing tendency with d 10. In this research these are used (i) to test the value of the grading entropy parameters in case of non-precise grading curve measurement with missing fines, (ii) to correlate the usual grading curve parameters like d 10 , d 30 , d 50 and d 60 or their ratios and the grading entropy parameters, (iii) to validate some existing permeability-grading curve equations and to elaborate some new permeability-grading curve relationships partly with entropy parameters partly with the usual parameters. For these aims, series I to IV have been started to be reevaluated, some specific surface formulae were derived. Some additional, literature data were also considered. The very first results are presented here. According to the results, the fine fractions significantly influenced the value of the entropy parameters. The base entropy S o showed strong relationship with and parameters like d 10 , d 30 , d 50 and d 60. The entropy increment ΔS showed a monotonic increasing relationship with U. The specific surface parameter (containing density info) showed the best relationship with k out of the d-type parameters like d 10 or harmonic mean d h. The original conclusions were reformulated in terms of S 0 and and ΔS. It was also concluded that those parameters that are based on all measured data are more precise than the single diameter values in the k-regressions. The specific surface parameter is the best in this repect probably since containing density information, too.


Imre, E., Bálint, E. Á., Nagy, L., Lőrincz, J., Illés, Z., Barreto, D., Casini, F., Guida, G., & Feng, S. (2021, September). Examination of saturated hydraulic conductivity using grading curve functions. Presented at 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation, Budapest

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation
Start Date Sep 26, 2021
End Date Sep 29, 2021
Acceptance Date Aug 28, 2020
Publication Date Sep 26, 2021
Deposit Date Dec 21, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jan 6, 2022
Book Title Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
Keywords Grading Entropy; Hydraulic Conductivity; Grading Curve Functions; Void Ratio, Specific surface area
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Examination Of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Using Grading Curve Functions (480 Kb)

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