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Firing Rate Modulation by Backward Propagating Potential Waves

Andr�s, P�ter


Profile image of Peter Andras

Prof Peter Andras
Dean of School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment


The paper investigates the role of backward propagating potential waves in the regulation of the firing rate input ‐ output transformation function of neurons. The analysis is performed using a simple one dimensional neuron model that allows backward propagating waves that appear in correlation with the generation of the spikes at the axon hillock. The numerical simulations show that the backward propagating potential waves have a strong effect on the neuron's firing rate transformation function. For separate domains of the parameter space we get facilitation and depression effects. The analysis shows how neuro-modulatory substances may change the functional operation ranges of a neuron, allowing increased adaptability and functionality for neural circuits.


András, P. Firing Rate Modulation by Backward Propagating Potential Waves

Working Paper Type Working Paper
Publication Date 2002
Deposit Date Nov 16, 2021
Keywords Computational Neuroscience
Public URL
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