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The origins of life - the ‘protein interaction world’ hypothesis: protein interactions were the first form of self-reproducing life and nucleic acids evolved later as memory molecules

Andras, Peter; Andras, Csaba


Profile image of Peter Andras

Prof Peter Andras
Dean of School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment

Csaba Andras


The ‘protein interaction world’ (PIW) hypothesis of the origins of life assumes that life emerged as a self-reproducing and expanding system of protein interactions. In mainstream molecular biology, ‘replication’ refers to the material copying of molecules such as nucleic acids. However, PIW is conceptualized as an abstract communication system constituted by the interactions between proteins, in which ‘replication’ happens at the level of self-reproduction of these interactions between proteins. Densely concentrated peptide interaction systems may have reproduced and expanded as ‘protocell’ vesicles surrounded by lipid bi-layer membranes. Protocells led to the emergence of proto-RNA molecules of greater chemical stability which served as chemically differentiated ‘memories’ of peptide interaction states, thereby facilitating the reproduction and expansion of protocells. Simplification-driven expansion led to the selection of biotic amino acids and the reduction of the typical RNA alphabet to the four usual bases (A, C, G and U). Dense interactions between RNA molecules led to the emergence of the RNA interaction subsystem of the cell, and to the emergence of ‘memories’ of RNA interactions in the form of DNA molecules with greater chemical stability. The expansion of DNA molecule interactions led to the dense clustering and encapsulation of DNA molecules within the cell nucleus. RNA molecules therefore serve as memories of protein interactions and DNA molecules are memories of RNA interactions. We believe that the PIW hypothesis is more evolutionarily plausible than the mainstream RNA world hypothesis, and has greater explanatory power.


Andras, P., & Andras, C. (2005). The origins of life - the ‘protein interaction world’ hypothesis: protein interactions were the first form of self-reproducing life and nucleic acids evolved later as memory molecules.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2005
Deposit Date Nov 3, 2021
Journal Medical hypotheses
Electronic ISSN 0306-9877
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 64
Issue 4
Pages 678-688
Public URL