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Kernel-kohonen networks

Andras, Peter


Profile image of Peter Andras

Prof Peter Andras
Dean of School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment


We investigate the combination of the Kohonen networks with the kernel methods in the context of classification. We use the idea of kernel functions to handle products of vectors of arbitrary dimension. We indicate how to build Kohonen networks with robust classification performance by transformation of the original data vectors into a possibly infinite dimensional space. The resulting Kohonen networks preserve a non-Euclidean neighborhood structure of the input space that fits the properties of the data. We show how to optimize the transformation of the data vectors in order to obtain higher classification performance. We compare the kernel-Kohonen networks with the regular Kohonen networks in the context of a classification task.


Andras, P. (2002). Kernel-kohonen networks. International Journal of Neural Systems, 12(2), 117-135.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 15, 2002
Publication Date 2002-04
Deposit Date Nov 4, 2021
Journal International Journal of Neural Systems
Print ISSN 0129-0657
Electronic ISSN 1793-6462
Publisher World Scientific Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 12
Issue 2
Pages 117-135
Keywords Adaptive kernels, classification, financial data analysis, kernel methods, Kohonen networks
Public URL