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Why Do People Choose to Drive Over Other Travel Modes? Modelling Driving Motivation with SAS

Neoh, J.G.; Chipulu, M.


J.G. Neoh


We demonstrate a method of using SAS® 9.4 to supplement the interpretation of dimensions of a Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) model, a process that could be difficult without SAS®. In our paper, we examine why do people choose to drive to work (over other means of travel),' a question that transportation researchers need to answer in order to encourage drivers to switch to more environmentally-friendly travel modes. We applied the MDS approach on a travel survey data set because MDS has the advantage of extracting drivers' motivations in multiple dimensions.To overcome the challenges of dimension interpretation with MDS, we used the logistic regression function of SAS 9.4 to identify the variables that are strongly associated with each dimension, thus greatly aiding our interpretation procedure. Our findings are important to transportation researchers, practitioners, and MDS users.


Neoh, J., & Chipulu, M. (2015, April). Why Do People Choose to Drive Over Other Travel Modes? Modelling Driving Motivation with SAS. Presented at SAS Global Forum 2015, Dallas, TX, USA

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name SAS Global Forum 2015
Start Date Apr 26, 2015
End Date Apr 29, 2015
Publication Date 2015
Deposit Date Sep 19, 2021
Book Title SAS Global Forum 2015 Proceedings
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