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Building a Systematic Online Living Evidence Summary of COVID-19 Research

Hair, Kaitlyn; Sena, Emily S.; Wilson, Emma; Currie, Gillian; Macleod, Malcolm; Bahor, Zsanett; Sena, Chris; Ayder, Can; Liao, Jing; Tanriver Ayder, Ezgi; Ghanawi, Joly; Tsang, Anthony; Collins, Anne; Carstairs, Alice; Antar, Sarah; Drax, Katie; Neves, Kleber; Ottavi, Thomas; Chow, Yoke Yue; Henry, David; Selli, Cigdem; Fofana, Mariam; Rudnicki, Martina; Gabriel, Brendan; Pearl, Esther J; Kapoor, Simran S; Baginskaite, Julija; Shevade, Santosh; Chung, Alexandria; Przybylska, Marianna Antonia; Henshall, David E; Hajdu, Karina L?bo; McCann, Sarah; Sutherland, Catherine; Lubiana Alves, Tiago; Blacow, Rachel; Hood, Rebecca J.; Soliman, Nadia; Harris, Alison; Swift, Stephanie L.; Rackoll, Torsten; Percie du Sert, Nathalie; Waldron, Fergal; Macleod, Magnus; Moulson, Ruth; Low, Juin W.; Rannikmae, Kristiina; Miller, Kirsten; Bannach-Brown, Alexandra; Kerr, Fiona; H?bert, Harry L; Gregory, Sarah; Shaw, Isaac William; Christides, Alexander; Alawady, Mohammed; Hillary, Robert; Clark, Alex; Jayas...


Kaitlyn Hair

Emily S. Sena

Emma Wilson

Gillian Currie

Malcolm Macleod

Zsanett Bahor

Chris Sena

Can Ayder

Jing Liao

Ezgi Tanriver Ayder

Joly Ghanawi

Anthony Tsang

Anne Collins

Alice Carstairs

Sarah Antar

Katie Drax

Kleber Neves

Thomas Ottavi

Yoke Yue Chow

David Henry

Cigdem Selli

Mariam Fofana

Martina Rudnicki

Brendan Gabriel

Esther J Pearl

Simran S Kapoor

Julija Baginskaite

Santosh Shevade

Alexandria Chung

Marianna Antonia Przybylska

David E Henshall

Karina L�bo Hajdu

Sarah McCann

Catherine Sutherland

Tiago Lubiana Alves

Rachel Blacow

Rebecca J. Hood

Nadia Soliman

Alison Harris

Stephanie L. Swift

Torsten Rackoll

Nathalie Percie du Sert

Fergal Waldron

Magnus Macleod

Ruth Moulson

Juin W. Low

Kristiina Rannikmae

Kirsten Miller

Alexandra Bannach-Brown

Harry L H�bert

Sarah Gregory

Isaac William Shaw

Alexander Christides

Mohammed Alawady

Robert Hillary

Alex Clark

Natasha Jayasuriya

Samantha Sives

Ahmed Nazzal

Nimesh Jayasuriya

Michael Sewell

Rita Bertani

Helen Fielding

Broc Drury


Throughout the global coronavirus pandemic, we have seen an unprecedented volume of COVID-19 researchpublications. This vast body of evidence continues to grow, making it difficult for research users to keep up with the pace of evolving research findings. To enable the synthesis of this evidence for timely use by researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders, we developed an automated workflow to collect, categorise, and visualise the evidence from primary COVID-19 research studies. We trained a crowd of volunteer reviewers to annotate studies by relevance to COVID-19, study objectives, and methodological approaches. Using these human decisions, we are training machine learning classifiers and applying text-mining tools to continually categorise the findings and evaluate the quality of COVID-19 evidence.


Hair, K., Sena, E. S., Wilson, E., Currie, G., Macleod, M., Bahor, Z., Sena, C., Ayder, C., Liao, J., Tanriver Ayder, E., Ghanawi, J., Tsang, A., Collins, A., Carstairs, A., Antar, S., Drax, K., Neves, K., Ottavi, T., Chow, Y. Y., Henry, D., …Drury, B. (2021). Building a Systematic Online Living Evidence Summary of COVID-19 Research. Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries, 17(2), 21-26.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 10, 2021
Online Publication Date Jun 24, 2021
Publication Date 2021
Deposit Date Jul 12, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jul 12, 2021
Journal Journal of EAHIL
Print ISSN 1841-0715
Publisher European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Issue 2
Pages 21-26
Keywords COVID-19; evidence synthesis; machine learning; web application; database
Public URL


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