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Electromagnetic Analysis of an Ultra-Lightweight Cipher: PRESENT

Gunathilake, Nilupulee A.; Al-Dubai, Ahmed; Buchanan, William J.; Lo, Owen



Side-channel attacks are an unpredictable risk factor in cryptography. Therefore, continuous observations of physical leakages are essential to minimise vulnerabilities associated with cryptographic functions. Lightweight cryptography is a novel approach in progress towards internet-of-things (IoT) security.Thus, it would provide sufficient data and privacy protection in such a constrained ecosystem. IoT devices are resource-limited in terms of data rates (in Kbps), power maintainability (battery) as well as hardware and software footprints (physical size, internal memory, RAM/ROM). Due to the difficulty in handling conventional cryptographic algorithms, lightweight ciphers consist of small key sizes, block sizes and few operational rounds. Unlike in the past, affordability to perform side-channel attacks using inexpensive electronic circuitries is becoming a reality. Hence, cryptanalysis of physical leakage in these emerging ciphers is crucial. Among existing studies, power analysis seems to have enough attention in research, whereas other aspects such as electromagnetic, timing, cache and optical attacks continue to be appropriately evaluated to play a role in forensic analysis. As a result, we started analysing electromagnetic emission leakage of an ultra-lightweight block cipher, PRESENT. According to the literature, PRESENT promisesto be adequate for IoT devices, and there still seems not to exist any work regarding correlation electromagnetic analysis (CEMA) of it. Firstly, we conducted simple electromagnetic analysis in both time and frequency domains and then proceeded towards CEMA attack modelling. This paper provides a summary of the related literature (IoT, lightweight cryptography, side-channel attacks and EMA), our methodology, current outcomes and future plans for the optimised results.


Gunathilake, N. A., Al-Dubai, A., Buchanan, W. J., & Lo, O. (2021, June). Electromagnetic Analysis of an Ultra-Lightweight Cipher: PRESENT. Presented at 10th International Conference on Cryptography and Information Security (CRYPIS 2021), Sydney, Australia

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 10th International Conference on Cryptography and Information Security (CRYPIS 2021)
Start Date Jun 26, 2021
End Date Jun 27, 2021
Acceptance Date Apr 10, 2021
Publication Date 2021-06
Deposit Date Apr 30, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 30, 2021
Volume 11
Pages 185-205
Book Title 10th International Conference on Cryptography and Information Security (CRYPIS 2021)
ISBN 978-1-925953-43-5
Keywords Side-channel attacks, electromagnetic analysis, lightweight cryptography, PRESENT and IoT
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