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Development of a whole cell biochip for toxicant detection.

Waldie, Fiona L; Binnie, David; Christofi, Nicholas


Fiona L Waldie

David Binnie

Nicholas Christofi


In the development of biosensors for ecotoxicity testing it is
desirable to produce a small, portable system that can be used in the field. Toxicity testing using bioluminescence is widely used in the laboratory utilising natural and genetically modified (lux/ luc-marked) bacteria and other microorganisms. It is currently not possible to use genetically manipulated microorganisms in field testing and a biosensor, therefore, that incorporates naturally luminescent organisms may be preferred. In the
development of a biosensor it is aimed to use the naturally
luminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri as a toxicity detection
system on a chip. The bacterium will be immobilised in a
polymeric matrix. Current work deals with the optimisation of light output and light preservation within the bacterium prior to immobilisation in polyvinyl alcohol. An examination of a range of physicochemical conditions within the polymer will be made, including cell density, thickness of polymer film, growth and light induction environment, and, preservation conditions, in order to develop a testing system giving consistent results over the lifetime of the biosensor. Data will be presented on light production using different culture media for the growth of V. fischeri and retention of light under immobilised conditions.


Waldie, F. L., Binnie, D., & Christofi, N. (2002, April). Development of a whole cell biochip for toxicant detection. Paper presented at XIIth International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name XIIth International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
Start Date Apr 5, 2002
End Date Apr 9, 2002
Acceptance Date Sep 9, 1999
Publication Date Feb 7, 2002
Deposit Date Jun 10, 2016
Electronic ISSN 1522-7243
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Keywords Biochip; biosensors; ecotoxicity testing ;
Public URL