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Impact of distributed generation modes in optimal coordination between DG and capacitor simultaneously

Muhtazaruddin, Mohd Nabil; Bani, Nurul Aini; Jamian, Jasrul Jamani; Muhammad-Sukki, Firdaus; Abu-Bakar, Siti Hawa; Mas'ud, Abdullahi Abubakar


Mohd Nabil Muhtazaruddin

Nurul Aini Bani

Jasrul Jamani Jamian

Siti Hawa Abu-Bakar

Abdullahi Abubakar Mas'ud


This paper describes the impact of the mode selection in Distributed Generation (DG) has in order to reduce the total power losses in the distribution system when coordination between the DG and capacitor is done simultaneously There are two modes available for the DG to operate which are the Power-Reactive Power (PQ) and Power-Voltage (PV) modes. The coordination between the DG and capacitor is a crucial task that needs to be done during the initial planning stage. Any error in identifying the power output and the location of the DG as well as the size and the location of the capacitor can increase the losses in distribution system. In this paper, some modifications were made on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) by combining several steps on Artificial Immune System (AIS) will be used. Several cases studies are carried out to see the impact of mode selection on 33-bus distribution system by using MATLAB programming.


Muhtazaruddin, M. N., Bani, N. A., Jamian, J. J., Muhammad-Sukki, F., Abu-Bakar, S. H., & Mas'ud, A. A. (2016, March). Impact of distributed generation modes in optimal coordination between DG and capacitor simultaneously. Paper presented at 10th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference 2016 (PEOCO2016), Selangor, Malaysia

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name 10th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference 2016 (PEOCO2016)
Start Date Mar 26, 2016
End Date Mar 27, 2016
Deposit Date Dec 2, 2020
Publicly Available Date Dec 4, 2020
Keywords Power losses, Distributed generation, Capacitor placement, Metaheuristic
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