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Deep learning based emotion analysis of microblog texts

Xu, Dongliang; Tian, Zhihong; Lai, Rufeng; Kong, Xiangtao; Tan, Zhiyuan; Shi, Wei


Dongliang Xu

Zhihong Tian

Rufeng Lai

Xiangtao Kong

Wei Shi


Traditional text emotion analysis methods are primarily devoted to studying extended texts, such as news reports and full-length documents. Microblogs are considered short texts that are often characterized by large noises, new words, and abbreviations. Previous emotion classification methods usually fail to extract significant features and achieve poor classification effect when applied to processing of short texts or micro-texts. This study proposes a microblog emotion classification model, namely, CNN_Text_Word2vec, on the basis of convolutional neural network (CNN) to solve the above-mentioned problems. CNN_Text_Word2vec introduces a word2vec neural network model to train distributed word embeddings on every single word. The trained word vectors are used as input features for the model to learn microblog text features through parallel convolution layers with multiple convo-lution kernels of different sizes. Experiment results show that the overall accuracy rate of CNN_Text_Word2vec is 7.0% higher than that achieved by current mainstream methods, such as SVM, LSTM and RNN. Moreover, this study explores the impact of different semantic units on the accuracy of CNN_Text_Word2vec, specifically in processing of Chinese texts. The experimental results show that comparing to using feature vectors obtained from training words, feature vector obtained from training Chinese characters yields a better performance.


Xu, D., Tian, Z., Lai, R., Kong, X., Tan, Z., & Shi, W. (2020). Deep learning based emotion analysis of microblog texts. Information Fusion, 64, 1-11.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 13, 2020
Online Publication Date Jun 20, 2020
Publication Date 2020-12
Deposit Date Jun 25, 2020
Publicly Available Date Dec 21, 2021
Journal Information Fusion
Print ISSN 1566-2535
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 64
Pages 1-11
Keywords Microblog short text, Emotional analysis, Convolutional neural network, Word2vec
Public URL


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