Dr Zakwan Jaroucheh Z.Jaroucheh@napier.ac.uk
Associate Professor
Dr Zakwan Jaroucheh Z.Jaroucheh@napier.ac.uk
Associate Professor
Prof Xiaodong Liu X.Liu@napier.ac.uk
Prof Sally Smith S.Smith@napier.ac.uk
Head of Graduate Apprenticeships and Skills Development and Professor
The evolving concepts of mobile computing, context-awareness, and ambient intelligence are increasingly influencing user's experience of services. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to provide an overview of recent developments and implementations of middleware-based pervasive systems, and to explore major challenges of implementing such systems. This paper also provides a comprehensive access to the literature of the emerging approaches and design strategies of middleware for providing users with personalized services taking into consideration their preferences and the overall operating context. Middleware systems were categorized according to their internal coordination model.
Jaroucheh, Z., Liu, X., & Smith, S. (2009, July). A Perspective on Middleware-Oriented Context-Aware Pervasive Systems. Presented at 2009 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference
Conference Name | 2009 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference |
Start Date | Jul 20, 2009 |
End Date | Jul 24, 2009 |
Publication Date | 2009 |
Deposit Date | Jan 14, 2010 |
Publicly Available Date | Jan 14, 2010 |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 2 |
Pages | 249-254 |
Book Title | Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference |
ISBN | 9780769537269 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1109/compsac.2009.142 |
Keywords | ambient intelligence; context awareness; context aware pervasive systems; design strategies; internal coordination; Middleware system; pervasive systems; |
Public URL | http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/3509 |
Publisher URL | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=05254117 |
Contract Date | Jan 14, 2010 |
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