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Mass loss and volume change: From sand-salt analogues to MSW

McDougall, John; Fleming, I; Thiel, R; Dewaele, P; Parker, D; Kelly, Darren


I Fleming

R Thiel

P Dewaele

D Parker

Darren Kelly


Guido Musso


Results from two sets of laboratory test programmes on sand-salt mixtures in wihch the salt fractions, of different amounts and size, are dissolved are brought together to gather insight into the mechanics of mass loss and its controlling factors. The test results are then used to provide a framework in wich to interpret the long-term behaviour of two landfill reclaimed soils. There is some settlement and in all cases an increase in void ratio. It is shown that settlement and void ratio increases are strongly influenced by the amount of salt but almost insensitive to the particle size, at least over the ranges and size distributions tested. Both settlement and void ratio increases are muted by wider particle size distributions.


McDougall, J., Fleming, I., Thiel, R., Dewaele, P., Parker, D., & Kelly, D. (2013). Mass loss and volume change: From sand-salt analogues to MSW. In G. Musso (Ed.), Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (189-197). CRC Press.

Online Publication Date Jun 21, 2013
Publication Date May 30, 2013
Deposit Date Apr 10, 2014
Publisher CRC Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 189-197
Book Title Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics
ISBN 9781138000605; 9781315884905
Keywords Sand-salt mixtures; mass loss; void ratios; volume change;
Public URL