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Fast and reliable hybrid routing for vehicular ad hoc networks.

Al-Kubati, Gubran; Al-Dubai, Ahmed; Mackenzie, Lewis; Pezaros, Dimitrios


Gubran Al-Kubati

Lewis Mackenzie

Dimitrios Pezaros


Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) have been attracting tremendous attention in both academia and industry due to emerging applications that pave the way towards safer enjoyable journeys and inclusive digital partnerships. Undoubtedly, these ITS applications will demand robust routing protocols that not only focus on Inter-Vehicle Communications but also on providing fast, reliable, and secure access to the infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a Fast and Reliable Hybrid routing (FRHR) protocol for efficient infrastructure access which is capable of handling efficient vehicle to vehicle communications. Interface to infrastructure is provided by carefully placed RoadSide Units (RSUs) which broadcast beacons in a multi-hop fashion in constrained areas. This enables vehicles proactively to maintain fresh minimum-delay routes to other RSUs while reactively discovering routes to nearby vehicles. The proposed protocol utilizes RSUs connected to the wired backbone network to relay packets toward remote vehicles. A vehicle selects an RSU to register with according to the expected mean delay instead of the device's remoteness. We demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the routing protocol through simulation experiments performed with accurate mobility and propagation models.


Al-Kubati, G., Al-Dubai, A., Mackenzie, L., & Pezaros, D. (2013, November). Fast and reliable hybrid routing for vehicular ad hoc networks

Start Date Nov 5, 2013
End Date Nov 7, 2013
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Oct 6, 2014
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 20-25
Book Title 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST)
Keywords Carry-and-forward; Geographic forwarding; Inter-vehicle communication; Roadside Units; Routing; VANETs
Public URL