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A Compact Design of Tunable Band-Notched Ultra-Wide Band Antenna

See, Chan Hwang; Elfergani, I.T. E. Elfergani; Abd-Alhameed, Raed A.; Jones, S.M.R.; Excell, Peter S.


I.T. E. Elfergani Elfergani

Raed A. Abd-Alhameed

S.M.R. Jones

Peter S. Excell


In this letter, a compact ultrawideband planar inverted F‐L antenna with a tunable band‐notched response is presented. Tuning of the rejected frequency bands is realized by loading a variable capacitor on an embedded slot of the proposed antenna structure. The antenna exhibits a wide impedance bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with a good impedance matching (voltage standing wave ratio ≤ 2) and tunable broad range of band‐reject frequency (centre frequency from 3.2 to 6 GHz). To validate the theoretical model and design concept, the antenna prototype was fabricated and measured.


See, C. H., Elfergani, I. E. E., Abd-Alhameed, R. A., Jones, S., & Excell, P. S. (2012). A Compact Design of Tunable Band-Notched Ultra-Wide Band Antenna. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54(7), 1642-1644.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jul 9, 2012
Deposit Date May 22, 2019
Print ISSN 0895-2477
Electronic ISSN 1098-2760
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 54
Issue 7
Pages 1642-1644
Keywords inverted-F-L antenna; tunable; ultrawideband; impedance bandwidth
Public URL