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Design and Acoustic Performance of Building Constructions for Multi-Storey Housing: Compendium.

Fausti, Patrizio; García, Teresa Carrascal; Ingelaere, Bart; Machimbarrena, María; Monteiro, Carolina Rodrigues A; Santoni, Andrea; Secchi, Simone; Smith, Sean


Patrizio Fausti

Teresa Carrascal García

Bart Ingelaere

María Machimbarrena

Carolina Rodrigues A Monteiro

Andrea Santoni

Simone Secchi

Sean Smith


Birgit Rasmussen

María Machimbarrena


This chapter provides an overview of the range of construction types
found across Europe to meet various sound insulation requirements for separating (party) walls and floors. The typical construction system, material properties and key influencing factors are described. The historic nature of sound insulation regulations in each country has led to developments in improvements to the types of constructions. More recently with the advent of stronger sustainability measures and resource efficiency of materials many countries have seen an increase in the use of light-weight structures, such as using timber frame.
The chapter provides details on typical performances for a variety of acoustic descriptors and is a useful reference chapter for architects, acousticians, house-builders, researchers and government departments or local authorities dealing with building standards for sound insulation in housing.


Fausti, P., García, T. C., Ingelaere, B., Machimbarrena, M., Monteiro, C. R. A., Santoni, A., Secchi, S., & Smith, S. (2014). Design and Acoustic Performance of Building Constructions for Multi-Storey Housing: Compendium. In B. Rasmussen, & M. Machimbarrena (Eds.), COST Action TU0901 – Building acoustics throughout Europe. Volume 1: Towards a common framework in building acoustics throughout Europe (213-244). COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology

Publication Date 2014-04
Deposit Date Jan 5, 2015
Publisher COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 1
Pages 213-244
Book Title COST Action TU0901 – Building acoustics throughout Europe. Volume 1: Towards a common framework in building acoustics throughout Europe.
Chapter Number 11
ISBN 978-84-697-0158-4
Keywords Building construction; sound insulation; party walls; party floors; building regulations;
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