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An evaluative survey to assess the effectiveness of using an interactive workbook to deliver bereavement education to undergraduate student midwives

Hollins Martin, Caroline J; Forrest, Eleanor; Wylie, Linda; Martin, Colin R


Eleanor Forrest

Linda Wylie

Colin R Martin


Background: the NMSF (2009) reported that 74 Trusts (40%) in the UK lack expertise in delivering maternity based bereavement care. In response, three midwifery lecturers were issued with a small grant from NHS Scotland to devise and evaluate an interactive workbook intended to develop student midwives understanding of how to deliver high quality bereavement care.
Aim: to develop a workbook called – an interactive workbook to shape bereavement care for midwives in clinical practice – and evaluate it for effectiveness at delivering learning objectives developed from the literature and from prior written lesson plans.
Method: an evaluative audit was carried out using a scored questionnaire – understanding bereavement evaluation tool (UBET) – to gather data before and post-workbook completion. The UBET was purposely designed to gather data about participants' perceived level of learning before and post-workbook completion. Participants were student midwives (n=179) in their second/third year of study on a three year midwifery degree programme at one of three universities.
Findings: the mean pre-workbook UBET score equalled 16.04 (SD=3.81) and post-intervention 26.45 (SD=2.16). A significant main effect of observation point was observed (p


Hollins Martin, C. J., Forrest, E., Wylie, L., & Martin, C. R. (2014). An evaluative survey to assess the effectiveness of using an interactive workbook to deliver bereavement education to undergraduate student midwives. Midwifery, 30(8), 942-948.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2014-08
Deposit Date Aug 5, 2015
Publicly Available Date Aug 5, 2015
Journal Midwifery
Print ISSN 0266-6138
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 30
Issue 8
Pages 942-948
Keywords Bereavement; midwifery; teaching;
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Aug 5, 2015