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Student voice and peer support during transition

Meharg, Debbie; Tizard, Jenny; Varey, Alison


Jenny Tizard

Alison Varey


Despite increased investment in transition between further education and higher education during the last 10 years, direct entrants remain less likely to take an active part in class, less likely to feel part of the academic community, and also less likely to get involved in student representation (Higher Education Academy, National Union of Students 2013). During 2013/14, the School of Computing’s Associate Student Project introduced a range of partnership and bridging initiatives to provide additional support for associate students in the colleges. As the associate students complete their second year of study, the project is focusing on the student voice, directly engaging students in supporting themselves and other students through the transition. This paper introduces the College University (CU) Mentoring project which utilizes students who have successfully articulated into university to provide one-to-one support for associate students both at college and when they make the transition onto the university campus.


Meharg, D., Tizard, J., & Varey, A. (2015, June). Student voice and peer support during transition. Paper presented at QAA Enhancement Themes, Glasgow

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name QAA Enhancement Themes
Start Date Jun 9, 2015
End Date Jun 11, 2015
Publication Date 2015
Deposit Date Aug 10, 2015
Publicly Available Date Dec 31, 2015
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords Transition; Further Education; Higher Education; College University Mentoring Project;
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Aug 10, 2015


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