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Transition to Research: Experiencing new paradigms

Barkess, Gr�inne; Tierney, Anne


Anne Tierney


The transition from undergraduate study to postgraduate research is a difficult one for students to negotiate. Similarly, the transition from disciplinary researcher to pedagogic researcher is a difficult transition for staff to undertake. There are similarities between the processes; transition from certainty to uncertainty, negotiation of a new paradigm, and both an epistemological and ontological shift. As such, the processes should result in a transformative learning experience (Mezirow, 1990, 1991). However, there are hurdles to overcome (Cousin, 2010; Meyer & Land, 2005) before the transition to researcher is complete. Transitions to Research in both contexts are being considered at Edinburgh Napier University, and are supported in a number of ways, via writing groups, a researcher development programme, our PGCTLHE, the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Resource Bank, and the peer reviewed journal, JPAAP. We will look at the similarities between the challenges postgraduate students and novice pedagogic researchers have to face, and take lessons from successful strategies.


Barkess, G., & Tierney, A. (2015, June). Transition to Research: Experiencing new paradigms. Paper presented at International Conference Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education, Glasgow

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name International Conference Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education
Start Date Jun 9, 2015
End Date Jun 11, 2015
Deposit Date Feb 20, 2019
Publicly Available Date Mar 6, 2019
Series Title QAA Enhancement Themes
Keywords Postgraduate research, undergraduate study, researcher.
Public URL


Transition to Research: Experiencing new paradigms (694 Kb)

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