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Digital Skills Development : Effective digital profiles for researchers

Kerr, Gary; Worsley, Hannah; Whitnall, Davina


Gary Kerr

Hannah Worsley

Davina Whitnall


We are living in a digital era where the majority of people spend a vast amount of time on social media. So as academics it is important that we access this digital world and use it to our advantage. Social media is a key aspect of science communication as it allows us to access a large audience from a variety of different backgrounds. By posting and sharing our research on social media we have the potential to impact not just the academic community but also the general public. Your digital presence will help you to form collaborations with other academics, access a wider audience to disseminate your research and help you to enhance your career, so what are you waiting for!

This guide has been put together for academics and postgraduate students to help you into becoming a successful social media academic. This guide will help you to launch and develop your digital presence to both academic and lay digital audiences. This guide is split into seven sections designed to help you into becoming an effective social media academic:
Why bother doing digital?
Digital as part of the everyday/Making time for digital
Maximising digital impact/footprint and personal brand
What to share and not to share
Managing risks and conflict and practising effective digital behaviours
Where to begin…What tools?

Additional resources
The eBook is designed to direct you to useful information and resources to help you get started. The contents have been carefully curated by a team of academics, researcher developers and consultants. Regular prompts and exercises are provided to encourage you to test, try and think further about your digital development journey. Information about the contributors can be found at the back of the book.

Aims of this eBook:
Specifically focus on Digital Skills Development, useful links and tools
Provide detailed information about the training and development resources available
Designed to help plan your attendance and participation in appropriate training
Used alongside Meetings and Development Plans to identify development opportunities
Support decision making and work in areas of research impact and professional career development
Encourages reflection and self-evaluation throughout the development process
Sign-posts to useful resources, tools, tips and techniques
Promotes goal setting, the development confidence and capability


Kerr, G., Worsley, H., & Whitnall, D. (2018). Digital Skills Development : Effective digital profiles for researchers

Book Type Other
Online Publication Date Dec 10, 2018
Publication Date Dec 10, 2018
Deposit Date Feb 19, 2019
Publicly Available Date Feb 21, 2019
ISBN 978-1-912337-15-6
Public URL
Contract Date Feb 21, 2019


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