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Including users with motor impairments in design

Keates, Simeon; Trewin, Shari; Elliott, Jessica Paradise


Simeon Keates

Shari Trewin

Jessica Paradise Elliott


Claude Ghaoui


For people with motor impairments, access to, and independent control of, a computer can be an important part of everyday life. However, in order to be of benefit, computer systems must be accessible. Computer use often involves interaction with a graphical user interface (GUI), typically using a keyboard, mouse, and monitor. However, people with motor impairments often have difficulty with accurate control of standard input devices (Trewin & Pain, 1999). Conditions such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and spinal injuries can give rise to symptoms such as tremor, spasm, restricted range of motion, and reduced strength. These symptoms may necessitate the use of specialized assistive technologies such as eye-gaze pointing or switch input (Alliance for Technology Access, 2000). At the same time, specialized technologies such as these can be expensive and many people simply prefer to use standard input devices (Edwards, 1995; Vanderheiden, 1985). Those who continue to use standard devices may expend considerable time and effort performing basic actions. The key to developing truly effective means of computer access lies in a user-centered approach (Stephanidis, 2001). This article discusses methods appropriate for working with people with motor impairments to obtain information about their wants and needs, and making that data available to interface designers in usable formats


Keates, S., Trewin, S., & Elliott, J. P. (2006). Including users with motor impairments in design. In C. Ghaoui (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction (317-323). Idea Group Inc (IGI).

Publication Date 2006
Deposit Date Feb 7, 2019
Pages 317-323
Book Title Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction
ISBN 9781591405627
Keywords users with motor impairments in design
Public URL
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