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Haptic assistance to improve computer access for motion-impaired users

Hwang, Faustina; Langdon, Patrick; Keates, Simeon; Clarkson, John


Faustina Hwang

Patrick Langdon

Simeon Keates

John Clarkson


This paper describes a pilot experiment which examines the effectiveness of using force-feedback technology to assist motion-impaired computer users in target selection tasks. Two measures to evaluate the effectiveness of force feedback assistance are proposed. The radius of curvature of the cursor path and the cursor speed along the path can capture differences in cursor movements that might be lost in a single measure such as time to target. Experimental results indicate that force-feedback implemented as nondirectional viscous damping has a beneficial effect for some, improving times to target by up to 50%. Future work includes developing other forms of haptic assistance, developing new measures for evaluation, and investigating the implications of kinaesthesic impairment.


Hwang, F., Langdon, P., Keates, S., & Clarkson, J. (2001, July). Haptic assistance to improve computer access for motion-impaired users. Presented at Eurohaptics 2001, Birmingham, UK

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Eurohaptics 2001
Start Date Jul 1, 2001
End Date Jul 4, 2001
Publication Date 2001
Deposit Date Feb 7, 2019
Publicly Available Date Feb 7, 2019
Book Title Conference Proceedings of Eurohaptics 2001
Keywords Haptic Assitance, Improve Computer Access, Motion-Impaired Users,
Public URL
Contract Date Feb 7, 2019


Haptic Assistance to Improve Computer Access for Motion-Impaired Users (155 Kb)

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