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Crowdfunding Can Serve as a Pathway to Higher Education

Romdhani, Imed; El Youssi, Abderrahmane; Al Mennai, Mohammed; Babah, Echwag; Yahya, Rabia


Abderrahmane El Youssi

Mohammed Al Mennai

Echwag Babah

Rabia Yahya


Mahmoud Mohieldin

Djordjija Petkoski


The Al-Derb platform provides a way for individual and group funding (crowdfunding) to help young people obtain grants for high-quality online education and training courses offered by universities and training centers. The availability of high-quality education in the Arab world is low, which affects the development of young people’s potential and limits their opportunities in the job market. As a result of the crises and wars that have occurred in the region, many young people do not have opportunities to obtain formal continuing education or to develop their skills; and for most of them, the high cost of education in developed countries is prohibitive. But as the digital world advances, solutions to these problems can be found. Digital universities provide high-quality courses that are open to students around the world, and such institutions help bridge the gap between education levels and provide equal opportunities for a good education to all students and young people. By offering such courses online, digital universities offer large numbers of people access to education worldwide. This past year, the Al-Derb team members have noted in youth seminar discussions that young people are enthusiastic about the educational opportunities available online, but many find it difficult to pay for enrolling in courses. Although the fees are relatively low for those in developed countries, the economic situation and low levels of income in the Arab world—in addition to lack of access to electronic payment—have made it impossible for many young people to take advantage of those opportunities.

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Romdhani, I., El Youssi, A., Al Mennai, M., Babah, E., & Yahya, R. (2018). Crowdfunding Can Serve as a Pathway to Higher Education. In M. Mohieldin, & D. Petkoski (Eds.), Financing Sustainable Development: Ideas for Action 2018 (43-49)

Publication Date Oct 30, 2018
Deposit Date Oct 31, 2018
Pages 43-49
Book Title Financing Sustainable Development: Ideas for Action 2018
Chapter Number 4
Keywords Crowd funding, Al-Derb platform, education,
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