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Accounting For Nonverbal Behavior in Literature: A Case of Peculiar Arguments in Modern Islamic Discourse on Economics and Finance

Khaleel, Fawad



Muslim scholars representative of emerging and contemporary Islamic thought have produced a body of discourse on finance, economics, and social governance that aims to create an Islamic perspective within these fields. It consists of legal rulings, recommendations, value judgments, and moral positions. Innovative Islamic discourse permeates different facets of the political spectrum, contained by the similar patterns occurring within the construction of arguments. Issues surrounding the theory of knowledge used within Islamic discourses on finance, economics, politics, and social governance are examined. Analysis of the methods of enquiry and lines of reasoning emerging from these discourses along with an investigation of the discursive rationale behind their usage are offered. Focus is centred on the method of enquiry underpinning the creation of this knowledge while accounting for the line of reasoning applied to verify created knowledge, the origin of its epistemic authority and construction of its ontological justifications within the discourse. The research seeks to conceptualise a reusable framework for deconstructing this created knowledge. A resultant conceptualised framework provides a method for using discursive data to deconstruct arguments within an Islamic paradigm. The study aims to benefit future students and academics who wish to elucidate connections between juristic-subjectivity, argumentation, and epistemic sources within Islamic discourse, and the different methods applied by scholars to negotiate relationships between them.


Khaleel, F. (2018, July). Accounting For Nonverbal Behavior in Literature: A Case of Peculiar Arguments in Modern Islamic Discourse on Economics and Finance. Paper presented at Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance
Start Date Jul 25, 2018
End Date Jul 25, 2018
Deposit Date Oct 3, 2018
Public URL