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Outputs (251)

Investigating low intelligence stereotype threat in adults with developmental dyslexia (2024)
Journal Article
Piotrowska, B., & Barratt, J. (2024). Investigating low intelligence stereotype threat in adults with developmental dyslexia. Dyslexia, 30(2), Article e1766.

Stereotype threat (ST) is a phenomenon that leads to decreased test performance and occurs when one deals with added pressure of being judged on the basis of stereotyped group membership. The ST effect has been previously investigated in many context... Read More about Investigating low intelligence stereotype threat in adults with developmental dyslexia.

Re-politicising Anti-trafficking: Migration, Labour, and the War in Ukraine (2024)
Journal Article
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (2024). Re-politicising Anti-trafficking: Migration, Labour, and the War in Ukraine. Anti-trafficking review, 22, 52-73.

Drawing on multi-method research, this article demonstrates that the risks of large-scale trafficking due to the war in Ukraine were mitigated by granting Ukrainians more extensive rights than typically afforded to refugees. This shows the advantages... Read More about Re-politicising Anti-trafficking: Migration, Labour, and the War in Ukraine.

Inshore and offshore marine migration pathways of Atlantic salmon post-smolts from multiple rivers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, and Ireland (2024)
Journal Article
Rodger, J. R., Lilly, J., Honkanen, H. M., del Villar, D., Kennedy, R., Maoiléidigh, N. Ó., Boylan, P., Rosell, R., Morris, D. J., O'Neill, R., Waters, C., Cotter, D., Wilkie, L., Barkley, A., Green, A., Beck, S. V., Ribbens, J., Henderson, J., Parke, D., Kettle-White, A., …Adams, C. E. (online). Inshore and offshore marine migration pathways of Atlantic salmon post-smolts from multiple rivers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, and Ireland. Journal of Fish Biology,

The migratory behavior of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolts in coastal waters is poorly understood. In this collaborative study, 1914 smolts, from 25 rivers, in four countries were tagged with acoustic transmitters during a single seasonal mi... Read More about Inshore and offshore marine migration pathways of Atlantic salmon post-smolts from multiple rivers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, and Ireland.

Minding the Gap for Biodiversity (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dodd, J. (2024, April). Minding the Gap for Biodiversity. Presented at UK DNA Working Group Conference, Inverness, UK

Mechanisms of the social control of children and young people: From ‘stop and search’ to ‘stop and engage’ in Police Scotland (2024)
Journal Article
Clayton, E. (online). Mechanisms of the social control of children and young people: From ‘stop and search’ to ‘stop and engage’ in Police Scotland. Criminology and Criminal Justice,

Since the implementation of stop and search reform in Scotland, the volume of this tactic has decreased and proportionality has increased. However, little has been published that has detailed the design, communication and implementation of stop and s... Read More about Mechanisms of the social control of children and young people: From ‘stop and search’ to ‘stop and engage’ in Police Scotland.

Load carriage changes tibiofemoral arthrokinematics during ambulatory tasks in recruit-aged women (2024)
Journal Article
Johnson, C. C., Dzewaltowski, A. C., Dever, D. E., Krajewski, K. T., Rai, A., Ahamed, N. U., Allison, K. F., Flanagan, S. D., Graham, S. M., Lovalekar, M., Anderst, W. J., & Connaboy, C. (2024). Load carriage changes tibiofemoral arthrokinematics during ambulatory tasks in recruit-aged women. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 9542.

The introduction of women into U.S. military ground close combat roles requires research into sex-specific effects of military training and operational activities. Knee osteoarthritis is prevalent among military service members; its progression has b... Read More about Load carriage changes tibiofemoral arthrokinematics during ambulatory tasks in recruit-aged women.

The RESIST Project Report. National and Transnational Reports on the Formation of Anti-Gender Politics (2024)
RESIST Project Team. (2024). The RESIST Project Report. National and Transnational Reports on the Formation of Anti-Gender Politics

This Report is focused on mapping anti-gender discourses in media and parliamentary debates across five case studies: the European Parliament, UK, Poland, Switzerland and Hungary. Overall, the research found an animated anti-gender political landscap... Read More about The RESIST Project Report. National and Transnational Reports on the Formation of Anti-Gender Politics.

Description and prevalence of gregarines infecting the amphipod Gammarus pulex, in the Water of Leith, Scotland, UK (2024)
Journal Article
McKinley, K., Tsaousis, A. D., & Rückert, S. (2024). Description and prevalence of gregarines infecting the amphipod Gammarus pulex, in the Water of Leith, Scotland, UK. European Journal of Protistology, 94,

Gregarines are symbiotic protists that are found in a broad spectrum of invertebrates, including insects, crustaceans, and annelids. Among these the globally distributed amphipod Gammarus pulex is one of the earliest recognized hosts for aquatic greg... Read More about Description and prevalence of gregarines infecting the amphipod Gammarus pulex, in the Water of Leith, Scotland, UK.

Worldwide soundscape ecology patterns across realms (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Darras, K. F., Rountree, R., Van Wilgenburg, S., Dong, L., Gasc, A., Chen, Y., Lin, T., Diaz, P. M., Wu, S., Salton, M., Marley, S., Cord, A. F., Aparecido Do Nascimento, L., Astaras, C., Barbaro, L., Bellisario, K., Ben David, A., Berger-Tal, O., Bhalla, I., Bolgan, M., …Wanger, T. C. Worldwide soundscape ecology patterns across realms

The need for remote, reliable, and scalable monitoring of plummeting biodiversity amidst mounting human pressures on ecosystems and changing climate has sparked enormous interest in Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) over multiple disciplines and ecos... Read More about Worldwide soundscape ecology patterns across realms.