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Outputs (216)

In utero androgen administration induces changes in gene expression and purkinje cell development in the cerebellum (2015)
Wilson, L. M. In utero androgen administration induces changes in gene expression and purkinje cell development in the cerebellum. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Steroids play a major role in the development of the CNS with those brain areas involved in sexual behaviour having been the focus of most neuroendocrine studies to date e.g. the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (Feist and Schreck, 1996; Mong, et al.... Read More about In utero androgen administration induces changes in gene expression and purkinje cell development in the cerebellum.

The wrong type of mother: moral panic and teenage parenting. (2015)
Book Chapter
Brown, S. (2015). The wrong type of mother: moral panic and teenage parenting. In V. E. Cree, G. Clapton, & M. Smith (Eds.), Revisiting Moral Panics: Book 1 Gender and the Family. Policy Press

We live in a world that is increasingly characterised as full of risk, danger and threat. Every day a new social issue emerges to assail our sensibilities and consciences. Drawing on the popular Economic Social and Research Council (ESRC) seminar ser... Read More about The wrong type of mother: moral panic and teenage parenting..

Test-retest reliability of the Wingate 6 and 30 second tests in males and females (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kavaliauskas, M., & Phillips, S. (2015, June). Test-retest reliability of the Wingate 6 and 30 second tests in males and females. Poster presented at 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Malmö, Sweden

To accurately quantify the influence of an intervention, it is important to know the typical variance in test performance. Current data on the performance reliability of cycle sprinting suggests that reliability data from one sprint d... Read More about Test-retest reliability of the Wingate 6 and 30 second tests in males and females.

Metal exposure influences the melanin and carotenoid-based colorations in great tits (2015)
Journal Article
Giraudeau, M., Mateos-Gonzalez, F., Cotín, J., Pagani-Nuñez, E., Torné-Noguera, A., & Senar, J. (2015). Metal exposure influences the melanin and carotenoid-based colorations in great tits. Science of the Total Environment, 532, 512-516.

Metals are naturally found in the environment but are also emitted through anthropogenic activities, raising some concerns about the potential deleterious effects of these elements on wildlife. The potential effects of metals on bird coloration have... Read More about Metal exposure influences the melanin and carotenoid-based colorations in great tits.

Enhanced Deposition by Electrostatic Field-Assistance Aggravating Diesel Exhaust Aerosol Toxicity for Human Lung Cells (2015)
Journal Article
Stoehr, L. C., Madl, P., Boyles, M. S. P., Zauner, R., Wimmer, M., Wiegand, H., Andosch, A., Kasper, G., Pesch, M., Lütz-Meindl, U., Himly, M., & Duschl, A. (2015). Enhanced Deposition by Electrostatic Field-Assistance Aggravating Diesel Exhaust Aerosol Toxicity for Human Lung Cells. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(14), 8721-8730.

Air pollution is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, but conventional air quality monitoring gives no information about biological consequences. Exposing human lung cells at the air–liquid interface (ALI) to ambie... Read More about Enhanced Deposition by Electrostatic Field-Assistance Aggravating Diesel Exhaust Aerosol Toxicity for Human Lung Cells.

A governmental analysis of restorative justice (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maglione, G. (2015, June). A governmental analysis of restorative justice. Paper presented at Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC); Thematic Seminar Restorative Justice and Victimology, Leuven, Belgium

Maglione, G. (2015, June). A governmental analysis of restorative justice. Paper presented at KU Leuven: Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC); Thematic Seminar Restorative Justice and Victimology, Leuven, Belgium.