Increased Glucose Transport into Neurons Rescues Aβ Toxicity in Drosophila
Journal Article
Niccoli, T., Cabecinha, M., Tillmann, A., Kerr, F., Wong, C., Cardenes, D., Vincent, A., Bettedi, L., Li, L., Grönke, S., Dols, J., & Partridge, L. (2016). Increased Glucose Transport into Neurons Rescues Aβ Toxicity in Drosophila. Current Biology, 26(17), 2291-2300.
Glucose hypometabolism is a prominent feature of the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Disease progression is associated with a reduction in glucose transporters in both neurons and endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier. Howeve... Read More about Increased Glucose Transport into Neurons Rescues Aβ Toxicity in Drosophila.