Morphological and mechanical characterisation of the hindwing nodus from the Libellulidae family of dragonfly (Indonesia)
Journal Article
Fauziyah, S., Alam, C., Soesilohadi, R., Retnoaji, B., & Alam, P. (2014). Morphological and mechanical characterisation of the hindwing nodus from the Libellulidae family of dragonfly (Indonesia). Arthropod Structure and Development, 43(5), 415-422.
In this communication, the morphologies and mechanical characteristics of nodi from the hindwings of seven Indonesian Libellulidae dragonfly species are identified. Geometrical analyses reveal that in all species, the shape of dorsal face resilin is... Read More about Morphological and mechanical characterisation of the hindwing nodus from the Libellulidae family of dragonfly (Indonesia).