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Outputs (2)

Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement (2018)
Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2019). Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(4), 950-961.

The purpose of the research was to investigate the practices of elected, yet unpaid, community councillors in Scotland as they exploit information channels for democratic engagement with citizens. Its focus is both novel and significant in that it co... Read More about Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement.

Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre (2018)
Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2018). Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre. Journal of Documentation, 74(4), 844-861.

Purpose Results are reported from a study that investigated the extent to which an intervention to develop a community of library and information science researchers – the Developing Research Excellence and Methods (DREaM) project-was successful in m... Read More about Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre.