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Structural Performance of SmartPly Flooring System Under Point-Load of 50x50, June 2021
D'Amico, B. (2021). Structural Performance of SmartPly Flooring System Under Point-Load of 50x50, June 2021. Medite Smartply

The report describes tests carried out at Edinburgh Napier University on a series of flooring systems using OSB/3 and OSB/4 floor panels supplied by SmartPly Ltd, in March 2021. The report is part of a bigger testing campaign involving several types... Read More about Structural Performance of SmartPly Flooring System Under Point-Load of 50x50, June 2021.

Evaluate equivalent-sectional shear modulus for laminated glass beams using in torsion tests and photogrammetry method
Preprint / Working Paper
Uheida, K., Deng, Y., Zhang, H., Galuppi, L., Gao, J., Xie, L., Huang, S., Qin, X., Wong, S. H. F., Guo, J., Zhang, G., & Mohamed, A. Evaluate equivalent-sectional shear modulus for laminated glass beams using in torsion tests and photogrammetry method

This paper proposes a concise concept for quantifying the shear/torsional stiffness of the laminated glass beams experimentally by introducing the Equivalent-Sectional Shear Modulus (ESSM), that is directly measured from the torque and sectional-rota... Read More about Evaluate equivalent-sectional shear modulus for laminated glass beams using in torsion tests and photogrammetry method.

The Impact and Modelling of Concentrated Butt-Joints on Vertically Laminated Bamboo-Timber Hybrid Bio-Flitch Beams
Preprint / Working Paper
Zhang, H., Gharavi, N., Wong, S. H., Deng, Y., Bahadori-Jahromi, A., Limkatanyu, S., Qiao, Y., & Kuang, J. The Impact and Modelling of Concentrated Butt-Joints on Vertically Laminated Bamboo-Timber Hybrid Bio-Flitch Beams

This paper presents the experimental and analytical studies to investigate the impact of concentrated laminated bamboo butt-joints on the flexural properties of vertically laminated bamboo-timber hybrid beams (VLHBs, or flitch beam). The experimental... Read More about The Impact and Modelling of Concentrated Butt-Joints on Vertically Laminated Bamboo-Timber Hybrid Bio-Flitch Beams.

The Prometheus ODMG Database System
Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2000). The Prometheus ODMG Database System. Napier University

Complex applications such as those to support the emerging field of biodiversity informatics, require database systems able to represent and manipulate their data. Object-oriented databases (OODBs), designed to support complex domains such as Compute... Read More about The Prometheus ODMG Database System.

Database support for taxonomy
Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1999). Database support for taxonomy. Napier University

Taxonomists classify the organisms they study in order to refer to, identify and understand them. However, the same organism may at times be classified according to different taxonomic opinions and subsequently have several alternative names or be pl... Read More about Database support for taxonomy.

Why were Twitter users obsessed with Vitamin D during the first year of the pandemic?
Preprint / Working Paper
Mavroeidi, A., Innes, R., Miyake, E., & Rasmussen Pennington, D. Why were Twitter users obsessed with Vitamin D during the first year of the pandemic?

The aim of this study was to explore how the relationship between vitamin D and COVID-19 has been represented on the social media site Twitter. NCapture was used to collect textual Tweets on a weekly basis for three months during the pandemic. In tot... Read More about Why were Twitter users obsessed with Vitamin D during the first year of the pandemic?.

Array-Aware Matching: Taming the Complexity of Large-Scale Simulation Models
Preprint / Working Paper
Fioravanti, M., Cattaneo, D., Terraneo, F., Seva, S., Cherubin, S., Agosta, G., Casella, F., & Leva, A. Array-Aware Matching: Taming the Complexity of Large-Scale Simulation Models

Equation-based modelling is a powerful approach to tame the complexity of large-scale simulation problems. Equation-based tools automatically translate models into imperative languages. When confronted with nowadays' problems, however, well assessed... Read More about Array-Aware Matching: Taming the Complexity of Large-Scale Simulation Models.

Building A Smart Academic Advising System Using Association Rule Mining
Preprint / Working Paper
Shatnawi, R., Althebyan, Q., & Ghaleb, B. Building A Smart Academic Advising System Using Association Rule Mining

In an academic environment, student advising is considered a paramount activity for both advisors and student to improve the academic performance of students. In universities of large numbers of students, advising is a time-consuming activity that ma... Read More about Building A Smart Academic Advising System Using Association Rule Mining.

FedMark: A Marketplace for Federated Data on the Web
Preprint / Working Paper
Grubenmann, T., Bernstein, A., Moor, D., & Seuken, S. FedMark: A Marketplace for Federated Data on the Web

The Web of Data (WoD) has experienced a phenomenal growth in the past. This growth is mainly fueled by tireless volunteers, government subsidies, and open data legislations. The majority of commercial data has not made the transition to the WoD, yet.... Read More about FedMark: A Marketplace for Federated Data on the Web.

Explainable Representations of the Social State: A Model for Social Human-Robot Interactions
Preprint / Working Paper
Hernandez Garcia, D., Yu, Y., Sieinska, W., Part, J. L., Gunson, N., Lemon, O., & Dondrup, C. Explainable Representations of the Social State: A Model for Social Human-Robot Interactions

In this paper, we propose a minimum set of concepts and signals needed to track the social state during Human-Robot Interaction. We look into the problem of complex continuous interactions in a social context with multiple humans and robots, and disc... Read More about Explainable Representations of the Social State: A Model for Social Human-Robot Interactions.